Meaning of (परिवर्जन, परिवर्ज्जन) parivarja्jana in english

As noun : abandon Ex:  Action to abandon or, Most often, this action results
sacrifice Ex:  A silver sacrifice disown desert Ex:  These zones and the adjacent desert support a variety of wildlife species throw overboard give up Ex:  A soldier should never give up its flag abnegate rid Ex:  Getting rid of his coat, his hat, his cane beg Ex:  I beg you to believe me left Ex:  There is some coffee left . get Ex:  She was thrilled to death to get the f lowers . miss Ex:  You promised to visit us, I make sure that you can not miss unleash exclude yield Ex:  To yield its rights transition Ex:  Bhumibol played a key role in Thailand's transition to a democratic system. throw Ex:  To throw greedy about food emit drop out kick cast Ex:  Daphne returned to the cast for The All-New Scooby and Scrappy-Doo Show in 1983 cut out vomit set off divest park Ex:  Other attractions in the park include the Tropical Ravine fall out leave Ex:  Blaise pleaded with Jacqueline not to leave but she was adamant. set Ex:  The Orphic Hymns are a set of pre-classical poetic compositions plant Ex:  This article is concerned exclusively with the tea plant C. sinensis. grow out of reel out shoot pack in run off together walk away from fall away pump out drive off slip push along empty Ex:  It is adorned an empty title run away together change Ex:  If anyone could convince Kruger to change his plan, it was Hofmeyr. loose Ex:  , son loose in down Ex:  Someone wandered in and sat down . murder Ex:  Sam Dalmas witnesses a murder attempt kill Ex:  Adam eggs J.R. on to kill himself.
As verb : relinquish release Ex:  The release of Kid A and Amnesiac saw Radiohead reach their peak popularity abondon deserts relieve come down assassinate slay Ex:  It also means to slay by a poisonous quality speaking of some substances rub out
Suggested : to lease again to renounce or surrender (a possession , right, etc) a region so arid because of little rainfall that it supports only sparse and widely spaced vegetation or no vegetation at all the offering of animal, plant, or human life or of some material possession to a deity, as in propitiation or homage to leave completely and finally forsake utterly desert
Exampleपरिवर्जन, परिवर्ज्जन का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(परिवर्जन, परिवर्ज्जन) parivarja्jana can be used as noun, verb or transitive verb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 20 including consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Masculine gender originated from Sanskrit language . Transliteration : parivarjana, parivarja्jana

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